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Probability of 1 Event in a Small Amount of Time?

1+ day, 17+ hour ago — 

...happening in $Delta t$: $$ P(text{no event in } Delta t) = e^... ...Delta t}) - o(Delta t) $$ I have noticed that in such cases, we... ...Therefore, the probability of exactly one event in $Delta t$ is:... ...Substituting this back into our equation: For small $Delta t$,...

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Numerical Calculus of Variations, is this reasoning correct?

1+ day, 18+ hour ago — 

...Fourier analysis tells us that $X = sum_{i=0} a_iphi_i; Y = sum... ...0} b_igamma_i$ where $phi_i, gamma_i$ are standing for the fourier...

favicon mathoverflow.net > questions

How to proof that each element of $A(A^TA)^{-1}Ay$ gearter than 0, if $A(i,j)>0$ and $y=[1, 1, 1, ..., 1]^T$...

1+ day, 19+ hour ago — 

...theoretically. enter image description here Here is the code: ''' count... ...A end fprintf("%dth,%d rows,%d columns, %d Negativesn",count...

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Can we remove the restriction on a parameter in Talagrand concentration inequality?

1+ day, 18+ hour ago — 

...Recently I am trying to use Talagrand concentration inequality to... ...do something on graphs I find a version from the book of Molloy...

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Remainder of Exponential Function

1+ day, 19+ hour ago — 

...$endgroup$ – Gappy Hilmore Commented Nov 25, 2016 at 3:48 - $... ...Remainder of Exponential Function I found the Maclaurin series,...

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18 students of distinct height are put in a circle. What is the expected number of students taller than their classmates to their left and right?...

1+ day, 18+ hour ago — 

...does the church of latter day saints not recognize the obvious sin... ...$endgroup$ – Jyrki Lahtonen Commented 12 mins ago You must log...

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Hypersurface with one singularity

1+ day, 19+ hour ago — 

...- Hashable and ordered enums to describe states of a process -... ...- Book about a wormhole found inside the Moon - An instructor...

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Topological Markov chains: how does this computation of 'entropy' work?

1+ day, 19+ hour ago — 

...Everything I am saying is from Parry's paper 'Intrinsic Markov chains... ...end{equation} Topological set of Markov chains $X$: In $mathcal...

favicon math.stackexchange.com > questions

Opposite of a Poisson Distribution?

1+ day, 19+ hour ago — 

...Part 1: Consider a classic Poisson Distribution $$P(X = k) = frac... ...this is a obvious point, but I wanted to prove that in a Poisson Distribution... ...and $k geq 0$, which are always true for our reverse Poisson distribution...


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