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About finding the angle scale $left(overrightarrow{DE},overrightarrow{CB}right)$

17+ min ago — 

...description here] I want to find the angle scale $left(overrightarrow{DE... ...overrightarrow{CE}right)=dfrac{3pi}{8}$ but $left(overrightarrow{DE...

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Characterizations of irregular primes and indices of irregularity

26+ min ago — 

...Kummer gave a beautiful criterion for when a prime is regular in...

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Geometric Realization of Nerve of a Hypercovering (Example)

38+ min ago — 

...Let $X = Bbb P^1$ be the Riemann sphere.... ...First, we cover $X$ by "nice" Zariski open subsets $U_1, ... , U_N...

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Alternat definition for Cohen Macauly and homogenous system of parameters.

1+ hour, 5+ min ago — 

...are reading the book "Algorithms in Invariant Theory" by Bernd Strumfels...

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Maximum likelihood method for uniform distribution

1+ hour, 4+ min ago — 

...Mike assumes that all plant categories are equally likely to occur... ...Going to the forest, Mike found 2 green plants, 1 blue and 1 yellow...

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Why do we need the axiom of choice in this particular case?

29+ min ago — 

...I mean we're just using a logic law that should be independent of... ...$endgroup$ – Ben Grossmann Commented 8 mins ago You must log...


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